Proverbs 31:25
The father’s heartbeat resounding in so many ways… and I will be here to record it, manifest it, and leave behind a testimony to be remembered for the generations to come.

Who am I?
Is this not the question we strive to answer at some point and maybe at many points in our lives?
I am a woman, and I fully know it. I love who and what God has created me to be. I actively unwrap and discover new layers of the ever-changing and different versions I am and will grow into. This is not to say it is not often scary and uncomfortable (those changing pieces), but I have enough experience with life to know that growth often hurts in the short end but must occur in order to advance.
We can learn from each other. I can learn from you, and you can learn from me.
I am aware that mistakes and problems are a part of life, but I sure do wish they would disappear. In my quest to set up for the ceremonies and parties of life, I have found that perfection is a lie that tells me, “I can’t be content until…”
This is a lie I have entertained on more than one occasion and what I have found is that by writing it through, I can show it for what it is, and it is therefore less able to run me over. I will do this with many things I have discovered, both good and bad.
I value documentation of life. Because what if no one did? The tales, lessons, and life lived from the past would be unremembered, and let’s not get on a tangent about how bad that would be.
One thing about me you might want to know is creativity, I cannot stop it. It bubbles out everywhere, it seems, and really, sometimes I just overwhelm myself. I make music on the piano; literally, it is art. I write novels and blogs, vlogs, and TV programs. I make things like body adornments, needlework, and anything really. I love clothing and dressing, thrifting, and all the clever, witty, and dry humor. Examining, observing, and documenting life is my favorite thing for me to do. I will never claim to know it all, but I will claim that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and I will not budge on that one. Whatever God says goes, no matter if I like it or not. He made me, and I will try my best to glorify Him with everything I have.
I believe in all its sticky, gooey, bitter, and sweet moments, life is a beautiful thing.
Showing vulnerability takes risks, but it is a risk I am willing to take for you, even if I don’t know you personally.
Thank you for reading, and please live on in all the fullness life has to offer!
-Prudence O’haire
We can learn from each other. I can learn from you, and you can learn from me.
I am aware that mistakes and problems are a part of life, but I sure do wish they would disappear. In my quest to set up for the ceremonies and parties of life, I have found that perfection is a lie that tells me, “I can’t be content until…”
This is a lie I have entertained on more than one occasion and what I have found is that by writing it through, I can show it for what it is, and it is therefore less able to run me over. I will do this with many things I have discovered, both good and bad.
I value documentation of life. Because what if no one did? The tales, lessons, and life lived from the past would be unremembered, and let’s not get on a tangent about how bad that would be.
One thing about me you might want to know is creativity, I cannot stop it. It bubbles out everywhere, it seems, and really, sometimes I just overwhelm myself. I make music on the piano; literally, it is art. I write novels and blogs, vlogs, and TV programs. I make things like body adornments, needlework, and anything really. I love clothing and dressing, thrifting, and all the clever, witty, and dry humor. Examining, observing, and documenting life is my favorite thing for me to do. I will never claim to know it all, but I will claim that Jesus Christ is Lord of all, and I will not budge on that one. Whatever God says goes, no matter if I like it or not. He made me, and I will try my best to glorify Him with everything I have.
I believe in all its sticky, gooey, bitter, and sweet moments, life is a beautiful thing.
Showing vulnerability takes risks, but it is a risk I am willing to take for you, even if I don’t know you personally.
Thank you for reading, and please live on in all the fullness life has to offer!
-Prudence O’haire
Why I Create
I create because God made us in the image of Him. He creates, so we create too!
Truth be told, how does one explain something that comes naturally?
I was driven at a young age to sew, glue, write, bake, dress well, fix my hair, decorate my surroundings, love animals, play the piano – and draw, really, to all the beautiful things of life.
I wanted to make it, to invent it, to touch it, to wear it, to be a creation that was just me. I did when I was young and I still do.
I love it when others bring things into existence and I also love to do it myself.
Creating is really extraordinary out-puts in both tangible and untouchable forms that come from the supernatural parts of us.
We cannot logically explain it away.
Every one of us is made to create in some way and some form. Every one of us.
Not all of us are gifted to create in the same ways, and this is where I think we humanoids get hung up. We get hung up in the department of sameness, comparison, and laziness. I say “sameness”, because we seem to think there are only certain areas and ways people are gifted. So we all get funneled and stuck in the few choices we have been offered. Then we found we aren’t gifted in those spots, we think we aren’t creative because we failed at what we tried.
I say comparison because comparison is the chief killer of creativity. We are all constantly comparing ourselves to someone else’s work. Then discouragement sets in. We have to know we are unique and what comes out of us is unique and should look a little different then what comes from someone else.
How many of us were told to not bother in something because we were so terrible at it? And how many of us never attempted to try anything else because the criticism we heard stuck like a barnacle on a ship’s hull?
I say “Laziness”is a factor, because if God designed us to be creators, we will automatically be set up by the devils’ to be steered away from that. The devils’ offer us all sorts of excuses and laziness is one of them. Creating takes effort and work and time, sometimes money and other resources. It also takes effort in valuing our creative time. We live in a day and age where cheap entertainment is offered at the tip of our fingers. We often live in what seems to be a constant state of exhaustion, which means we often have nothing left to give to doing our hobbies, and actively developing our gifting in how God made us to create.
Taking care of ourselves physically is also important in allowing our creative sides to breathe. This involves effort and self discipline.
I was driven at a young age to sew, glue, write, bake, dress well, fix my hair, decorate my surroundings, love animals, play the piano – and draw, really, to all the beautiful things of life.
I wanted to make it, to invent it, to touch it, to wear it, to be a creation that was just me. I did when I was young and I still do.
I love it when others bring things into existence and I also love to do it myself.
Creating is really extraordinary out-puts in both tangible and untouchable forms that come from the supernatural parts of us.
We cannot logically explain it away.
Every one of us is made to create in some way and some form. Every one of us.
Not all of us are gifted to create in the same ways, and this is where I think we humanoids get hung up. We get hung up in the department of sameness, comparison, and laziness. I say “sameness”, because we seem to think there are only certain areas and ways people are gifted. So we all get funneled and stuck in the few choices we have been offered. Then we found we aren’t gifted in those spots, we think we aren’t creative because we failed at what we tried.
I say comparison because comparison is the chief killer of creativity. We are all constantly comparing ourselves to someone else’s work. Then discouragement sets in. We have to know we are unique and what comes out of us is unique and should look a little different then what comes from someone else.
How many of us were told to not bother in something because we were so terrible at it? And how many of us never attempted to try anything else because the criticism we heard stuck like a barnacle on a ship’s hull?
I say “Laziness”is a factor, because if God designed us to be creators, we will automatically be set up by the devils’ to be steered away from that. The devils’ offer us all sorts of excuses and laziness is one of them. Creating takes effort and work and time, sometimes money and other resources. It also takes effort in valuing our creative time. We live in a day and age where cheap entertainment is offered at the tip of our fingers. We often live in what seems to be a constant state of exhaustion, which means we often have nothing left to give to doing our hobbies, and actively developing our gifting in how God made us to create.
Taking care of ourselves physically is also important in allowing our creative sides to breathe. This involves effort and self discipline.
Prudence's Recent Projects
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Why I Write
This journal encapsulates a smudge and smidgen of what I’ve been learning about life.
In 1997 I was privileged to be married to the most remarkable man. The guy can do almost anything it seems, and I’m continually astonished at the way he loves me and teaches me about life. His name is Chris Behnke, and you can find out all about him and his incredible skills and talents here.
I have always wanted my career to consist of a happy marriage to a man who works in an office but can also get his hands greasy and switch out a radiator by himself. Checked that one off. No, seriously, Chris has ruined me for any other man. No one else out there could meet my standards now. In addition, I also wanted to be a mother. God blessed me with four children (two boys and two girls), and I have been busy fulfilling that dream for over twenty years.
I really feel a sense of relief when writing. Almost as if my mind gets uncomfortably full and must be emptied to carry on in a happier state. How long has paper been soaking up my thoughts in ink? A long time, since I was 15. Of course, paper will still meet with the fountain pen, but I feel compelled to share some of my mind with you here.
I have the need to write in order to understand myself better. My thoughts become a jumbled mess, and the way I sort it out is in writing. I think I will always write in a physical journal that never speaks, sharing my soul with paper that will never divulge its secrets unless it is forced too. Some need to speak it aloud verbally and some of us need to type it out.
We all read so that we can learn something new, build our libraries of knowledge, learn from each other’s mistakes, laugh, to be encouraged, and to be reminded that we are not in this alone.
This site is really just an ongoing story of one woman’s life and my desire is that you might be able to glean something from it for your own.
I have always wanted my career to consist of a happy marriage to a man who works in an office but can also get his hands greasy and switch out a radiator by himself. Checked that one off. No, seriously, Chris has ruined me for any other man. No one else out there could meet my standards now. In addition, I also wanted to be a mother. God blessed me with four children (two boys and two girls), and I have been busy fulfilling that dream for over twenty years.
I really feel a sense of relief when writing. Almost as if my mind gets uncomfortably full and must be emptied to carry on in a happier state. How long has paper been soaking up my thoughts in ink? A long time, since I was 15. Of course, paper will still meet with the fountain pen, but I feel compelled to share some of my mind with you here.
I have the need to write in order to understand myself better. My thoughts become a jumbled mess, and the way I sort it out is in writing. I think I will always write in a physical journal that never speaks, sharing my soul with paper that will never divulge its secrets unless it is forced too. Some need to speak it aloud verbally and some of us need to type it out.
We all read so that we can learn something new, build our libraries of knowledge, learn from each other’s mistakes, laugh, to be encouraged, and to be reminded that we are not in this alone.
This site is really just an ongoing story of one woman’s life and my desire is that you might be able to glean something from it for your own.