20 - TWB // Are Supernatural Prophecies for Today With Bobby Haaby
Are Supernatural Prophecies for Today With Bobby Haaby /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire, Bobby Haaby
Season 1, Episode 20: Are Supernatural Prophecies for Today With Bobby Haaby /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
In this enlightening episode, Chris and Prudence engage in a thought-provoking conversation with Bobby Haaby, the Senior Leader of the Eagle Mountain Apostolic Resource Center. Together, they delve into the topic of prophetic and supernatural prophecies. With a keen focus on Biblical relevance, they explore why the gift of prophecy remains pertinent in our lives today. As they unravel the complexities of this spiritual gift, they help bridge the gap between ancient Biblical teachings and our modern world. Tune in for a profound discussion that offers fresh perspectives on the role of prophecy in the Christian faith. Discover more at https://togetherwebuild.tv Follow Chris + Prudence https://chrisandprudence.com/