23 - TWB // Speaking In Tongues With Bobby Haaby
Speaking In Tongues With Bobby Haaby /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire, Bobby Haaby
Season 1, Episode 23: Speaking In Tongues With Bobby Haaby /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
Prepare for an enlightening episode as Chris and Prudence engage in a compelling conversation with Bobby Haaby, the Senior Leader of the Eagle Mountain Apostolic Resource Center. This episode centers around the intriguing topic of "Speaking in Tongues." Together, they dive deep into the Biblical teachings surrounding this supernatural gift, unraveling its true essence and purpose. Addressing the confusion and misconceptions surrounding speaking in tongues, they shed light on its significance for today's believers. Join them as they navigate through this transformative topic, offering clarity and understanding on the importance of speaking in tongues in the Christian faith. Discover more at https://togetherwebuild.tv Follow Chris + Prudence https://chrisandprudence.com/