12 - TWB // Finding The Creative Bones In Your Body Part I
Finding The Creative Bones In Your Body Part I /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
Who Appears In This Episode: Chris Behnke, Prudence O’Haire, Kelley Salber
Season 1, Episode 12: Finding The Creative Bones In Your Body Part I /// Together We Build With Chris Behnke + Prudence O'Haire
In the first half of this intriguing two-part series, Chris and Prudence sit down with special guest Kelley Salber, a Christian Artist and Speaker. They delve into the persistent myth that creativity is an exclusive trait, accessible only to a select few. Together, they explore the truth that we are all inherently creative, designed by a creative God. In this engaging episode, they begin to redefine the understanding of 'creativity', emphasizing that it's not just confined to traditional arts like painting or drawing. Stay tuned as they embark on this insightful journey to unlock the myriad forms of art and creativity within us all. Discover more at https://togetherwebuild.tv Follow Chris + Prudence https://chrisandprudence.com/